N S Rana

"A sculptor with no one to match his ability to give a finish to his art work."

Artist Biodata

N S Rana, Born in 1951, Delhi and completed BFA,1979 in sculpture with First ranking and specialization in Metal Casting From Delhi College of art, New Delhi. In 1981 he received diploma in commercial art from Sarda Ukil School of art, Board of technical education, Delhi. He was offered Fellowship from Delhi University, Delhi and was a visiting Lecturer in Delhi College of Art, New Delhi. He taught art at a School for several years while also continued with his own practice. He has worked in a range of media including terracotta and fiberglass, metal in various forms and primarily in bronze, which has been the main medium that he has mastered and enjoys working in. His exquisite creations of deities and icons reaffirm his interest in figuration. Rana has had more than seven solo shows and participated in numerous group exhibitions in different parts of India including those held at Delhi, Chandigarh, Lucknow, Bangalore, Kolkata, and Mumbai. Recipient of awards from the Delhi Crafts Council, Delhi College of Art, UNESCO, Sahitya Kala Parishad and AIFACS, his work can be seen with private and corporate collectors across India.


Joy Ride,

Bronze / Putina

ID: NSRA4179


We Two,

Bronze / Putina




Bronze / Putina



The Dhoomimal name is now touching eighty-five years of promoting contemporary Indian art, in this capacity a flagship enterprise within the fraternity, having witnessed the evolution and growth of art and art institutions from their very inception within the country.

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  • +(91) 11 23324492
  • Daily: 11.00 AM -7.00 PM Sunday & Holidays: Closed

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